How to easily activate your personal Njofa wallet, in 2 minutes using third party applications (Mobile Money)

5 years ago
Tosam Chah

Choose Hme

Creating your personal or business wallet on njofa is real simple and takes no time. To begin you will need to have created your account as this service is only available for users of the platform. Each account on njofa come with a wallet which has to be activated by the user. Users can only have one personal wallet. The following steps will show you how to create  a njofa wallet;


  1. You must have an account on njofa.



To begin you will be required to login into your account once logged in visit your home page;

You then select CREATE WALLET in the Quick Naigate List. You will also be directed to activate your wallet on your profile page and in njofa shopping mall page you can follow the link to get to the activation form.


You will be redirected to your wallet, where you will be required to create a 5 digit pin code. Once you must have completed typing in your pin you will be required to retype the pin code to ensure you are certain of the code which you choosed. Click on STEP 2 to proceed.



Once you have created your pin you will be required to pay wallet activation charges. You will be assigned a temporal wallet ID for your account. You can do the neccessary payment for account activation in two ways;

  1. You can get to a nearby shop on Njofa and pay for that shop to send money into your wallet using their account, or better still pay a friend with an active wallet to send the amount you wish into your wallet.
  2. You can also activate by paying through a third party application such as Mobile Money (MTN Cameroon, Orange Money Cameroon and/or EU Money Cameroon supported third party applications as of date of this publication).

Once payment has been made you will receive a notification SMS Njofa wallet notifying you of your account status and current ballance. Your wallet activation fee is a one time fee you pay after activation you get full access to all njofa wallet services placed at your disposal to use. 

NOTE: All payments and receipts on the platform are done through your njofa wallet, as such money earn from Njofa Jobs, Njofa Nallenge and other sources of income in njofa can only be paid into your personal wallet.

Why use Njofa Wallet?

  1. Easy to use with a very simple user interface
  2. Just like the platform, your wallet activities are highly encrypted using sophisticated algorithym to ensure safety.
  3. It enables you perfectly monitor your income and  expenditure patterns.
  4. Helps you better set saving plans through its PIGGY.
  5. Helps you easily transfer money to other users of the platform.
  6. It provides you flexibility in using third party software incorporated into the wallet.
  7. Highly customisable to suit your personal needs.


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