How to upload a snap shot of your shopping list to shops nearby for billing.

5 years ago
Tosam Chah

Uploading List

You can now upload an image file of your shopping list with njofa. You start by writing down your shopping list on a clean sheet of paper and take snap shot of that list and upload directly to shops online for billing. Once your list has been uploaded the shops will be notified and thereafter bill your list. View the video below to see how its done.


  1. Active njofa account.
  2. Activated Wallet account.


Once you have a clear snap shot of your shopping list ready click on BROWSE and select the image from your gallery, after the file has been successfully uploaded you can add a note to inform the shops of any details. Make sure you select the LIST TYPE and the SHOPS.

After uploading your list, you will be provided with a SEND LIST Button. Click on the button to send your list to the shops. 



You can view biew list status from the navigation bar for pending list transactions awaiting billing, lists that have been billed awaiting payment and completed list.



List shopping is only available for users of the platform as such, to buy using the list feature you will be required to create an account and activate your wallet.

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